I mentioned
before in a reply to
Batoul that I have a
feeling, a strong feeling indeed that's it's a boy. So, I wasn't in the least surprised when the doctor told me that it's a boy inshallah, as if I knew it already. Subhan Allah :)
Time to start thinking of a name, eh? What do you suggest?
1000 mabrook w ytrabba b 3ezzkom ya rabb :give:
Name him Andrei :D
Thank you Andrei, 3o2bal ma nefra7 fek, lol
you know I have a girlfriend who's name is Andrei :D
mabroooooooooooooooooouk!!!! Blue rocks :D
yeyyyyyyyyyy a baby boy full of joy! baby boys r amazing :) allah y2awmek bil salameh diana w yetrabba b3ezzkun :hug:
when r u due? shu burj il sabi lol
Alf Mabrouk!
wish you both health, health and health!
how cuteeee! another mommy who'll be suffering from potty training her boy :yay:
kareem, yousef, 3abdallah, khalid..
fi esem lately basma3o so often, Yamaan.
Alf mabrook, inshallah b t2oumi bel salameh ya rabb :)
As for names,these are from family and friends: Omar,Jihad,Rabie,Tarek,Khaled,Mohammad...
No matter what you will call him: habib 2albi,2ammour,a7la sabi bil kourra al ardiyeh...
Allay yes3dik ya rabb Diana :)
dowejfoerjgksjrthjrfhj This is how excited I am lool. wilik, awesome! InshAllah bt2oumi bl salameh wo baby boy will be healthy:)
mm.. Abdallah, Deen, Hisham, Jad, Jawad, Kareem, Nizar, Samer Just throwing out some to put on your list.
Alf alf mabrooooooooooooook!
t2oomi bilsalameh inshallah :D
boyz RULES
wallah alf mabrookz we yetraba be 3ezko...
samooh sharif...
hehehehe...kidding..7aram !!
or not ?! :P
Oh my Goooood!! Alf mabrooook:D:D It must be feeling gooood now that u know:D
How could you feel it's a boy...ana I couldn't :s I was not expecting AT ALL!! Allah yi2awmik bil salameh :D
healthy mama and baby inshallah :)
aw mabrook..boys are great! i should know i have two of them:)
T2oomi bel salameh ya rab :D
Dima: thank you. yessss
Dima: thank youuuu, I'm due in July 24 inshallah, and that would make him be...?
Summer: Allah ybarek feki ya rab, many thanks!
Mais: LOOOL, still suffering eh?
Actually Kareem is the first name I had in mind. Strange how it is the first suggestion kaman!
Noura: thank you sweets, Allah yes3dik enti kaman ya rab
Tooteh: LOL, and I thought that you're typing in another language :D
you're suggesting Kareem kaman, yaaay
Qwaider: thank youuuuuuu
Sharifo: Yes they dooooo :D. Sharif is a nice name, malo? :p
Nido: same to you sweets
Finallyyyyyyyy he allowed us to know after the failure of last month trial. I don't know I just felt it after a couple of dreams. Even my husband told me it must be a boy.
Sam: Allah ybarek feeki, thank you so much, y5alelek your boys ya rab :)
Maioush: yaaaay, you sound as excited as I am, LOOL. thank you, Allah ysalmek ya rab :)
congratulations :-) allah ayjibo bil salameh ya rab
was it your wish to have your first a boy?
my wish is to have a twin of girls :)
Thanks Amjad, no honestly I didn't wish for a specific gender, sabi walla bent, ele byeji mnee7.
tab yalla shid el himmeh :D
yaaaaaaaaaay mabrooooooooook yalla em shoo hala2 ? bass beddo ykoon esem 7eloo since emmo diana :D
t2omee besalameh yaa 3asal :hug:
Allah ybarek feki samsoomti
mish 3arfeh em sho lissa, where are your suggestions?:@ :D
Alf mabrook ya Diana... It's been a long time since I checked your blog! Congratulations for the baby!... Yetraba fe 3ezzkom... Guess what! me too I am waiting for my first baby... we will know if it's blue or pink in the next doctor visit ... 2 weeks from now, cannot wait too... I am looking for a blue, but my wife is dying for a pinky girl...
Names I may suggest: Bara2, Wisam,Fadi,Ahmed, Osama (not recommended for people coming to U.S.),
t2oomi bessalamah inshallah...
Wow Sami, alf mabrook, glad to hear your good news!
inshallah el madam t2oom bil salameh w el baby yetrabba b 3ezkon inshallah :)
thank you so much!
Awwwww how sweet!
I love the name Saif, maybe you may consider it as an option...
Rayan is also a nice name for a boy...
Ola, fi 3inna om saif already, Maisastic :D
in Lebanon besammo el banat Rayan, first time I know that it's a boy's name as well
thank you Ola
Ola & Diana: hahaha
tayeb guess what? i always wanted to name my daughter Rayan.. sho hal sudaf???
LOL, ya ma7asen el sodaf :D
you and Ola have the same taste in names, hehe
alf mabrook....inshallah t2oumi bil salameh..sabi wala bint el mohem el sa7a wil '7el2a el tammeh :)
as for the names, i like:
Omar, Talal, Kareem, Yazan, Zaid, Majd, Ghassan, Firas
thanks maious
I loved your list!
Alf mabrooooook :) ...
w ytrabba f 3ezkum ...
sammo [Sanad] I do like this name :)
thanx Razan, Allah ybarek feki ya rab.
Sanad? awal marra basma3 bi hek esem, what does it mean?
mmmm I will give u some names from my family and names I like
3abdallah - my favorite
3ala fekra the name ra3d is nice :D
I will come back when I remember more :) :hug:
Osama, Abdullah and Haitham are my cousins.
Bashar, Malek, and Bilal are my nephews :D
ma dal fi '3air basil.
and Ra3d, noo I don't like it :p
Alf mabrook. 3o2bal ma t2oomi bel salameh *hug*
I always wanted to have a baby boy as my first, but it is all good as long as the baby is healthy. For names, I suggest:
ma 3omrek sm3tee b esem Sanad !!
Sanad means to stand with me ,, be with me .. enu keeef bdy awaseletk eyyaha ...
كيف جملة إنت تكون سندي .... واقف معي .....
Halool: thank you 7abebti :hug:
Razan: aaah, I see, I thought about it this way too but actually I've never ever heard of it as a "name".
Thanks sweets :)
mo7eb :D
LOL @ Mo7eb. Thanks anonymous :)
alf mabrook el sabi ... sorry et2a5aret :S kol el asame 5er o barake el wa7ad be3mal esmo mesh esmo be3malo ... illa iza kan esmo 3eetha aw mhawesh :)
take care
loooooooool Isam, 3eetha and mhawesh cracked me up :D
thank you Allah ybarek fek, it's true eno el wa7ad howe ele bya3mel esmo, bas el asami b balash :D, so why not choose a lovely name.
thanx again! :)
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