Friday, October 20, 2006

Going Mute

I've been nagging lately, why hasn't it rained yet? How come it rained in Jordan and not here? Until finally on Saturday, rain surprised us with a sudden visit. Hurraaay. So I, like every year, receiving it with great joy, started jumping from a window to another and from a balcony to another, to watch it raining, listen to the drops of rain falling, feel the chillness and smell the soil, overwhelmed with ecstasy * deep breath*.

I love rain, and I miss it, and when it comes, it brings with it feelings of tranquility, serenity, peace, and purity.
Have you ever walked through the rain? Have you ever felt that you are being purified from the outside and most importantly from the inside?
That's what rain means to me, and that's why I love it and wait for its coming impatiently.

Unlike most people, I enjoy winter. Coziness, home, stove, blankets, warm pajamas, reading, hot drinks, chic clothes and shoes :D, stunning perfume, isn't it awesome.

However, this year the first rain was a bit harsh on us. Accompanied with a thunder srorm, my television was broken, and so were my hairdryer and the computer, along with the internet connection and the satellite. And not only that, I caught a bad flue, imagine how would catching a flue in Ramadan feel like. To make things worse, I lost my voice. Being sick, fasting, not able to speak, and teaching (just imagine a mute teacher), oh wait I haven't finished nagging yet, plus being disconnected for 5 consecutive days, beautiful!! The past few days were miserable I tell you. And now poor mom caught the infection and she's very sick.

El hamdulillah in any case. Now my Eid vacation has just started, I need it badly.
Happy Eid everybody!


Abed. Hamdan said...


7amdellah 3al salame, what a miserable days !

oltele you like winters ?? :P

I've always hate winters, I can't stand cold weather. I'm just paralyzed in winters !

Anonymous said...

i just love winter:l:
wallah i was a bit worried to learn you were sick the past week , hope u ll get better soon.
w in sha allah el youm a7san men bokra (j/k):P
salamat Nana (F)
w salamet.ha your mom too. u got her infected with the bad flue :mob:

Diana said...

abed: shar el baleyati ma yod7ek, huh? :D Allah ysalmak, thanx :)

Ranoosh: I feel much better now, el 7amdulillah, don't worry. and thanx for the call, it meant a lot to me :) *hug*