Thursday, January 25, 2007


What's happening is so dangerous... so heart aching... so pathetic...
Don't tell me it's not a civil war yet. IT IS! It's even the worst form of wars, when neighbours, brothers and schoolmates start killing each other. Two at least were killed today and more than 25 hurt in the clash that happened at Beirut Arab University.

Snipers started to gather on the buildings roofs, the scene that brings to mind a sad stage from the Lebanese history...the sad experience from which they did not learn. History is repeating itself...

Watching them throwing stones at each other, one thinks for a second that what he's watching is a clash between Palestinians and Israelis, before he realizes that this violence is taking place in nowhere else but Beirut.

One drives in the streets of Lebanon where tanks and hundreds of soldiers are scattered everywhere, he feels that he is literally living in a state of war. The soldiers are there to make you feel secure but their mere presence brings nothing but feelings of insecurity.

You have to keep in touch with the family since the moment you leave the house in the early morning until you come back home in the afternoon. "sho mama, wein serti? Is everything OK?", "Yes Mom don't worry, everything seems to be calm, I'm about to arrive, I'll call you once I get there", "Mama 7abeebti don't go from that road on your way back, they say that there's a big fight there, take the other one , keep me in touch and stay safe" w 3ala hal 7al all day long...

Our hearts are squeezed. We are sad, depressed, living under enormous pressure, pain and melancholy, stressed, lost, terrified, pessimistic... and so many mixed feelings... I'm finding a difficulty to find the right words to describe.


Abed. Hamdan said...

tawli baalek...sa7abe w bet3addi ensha2allah

Ammar said...

I fail to comprehend the degree of selfeshness and idiocy some political entities and personalities in Lebanon is simply unbelievable that people who had fifteen years of unspeakable atrocities draw each other closer to repeating that with every passing minute.

I am appalled by hypocracy, of both sides..despite my increased disgust at a certain side more than other..I am appalled by the arrogance..appalled of the ostentation in the voice and manner of certain political leaders, if leaders where really so..they would come out..of their guarded hideouts..and shout in the face of their own..Stop This Absurdity

Anonymous said...

This is Madness ... totally ... Madness!

Anonymous said...

Diana, I am SO sorry, Lord have mercy. I'm fasting for the peace of Lebanon

Anonymous said...

am at a loss for words...I was just hoping that they will be smarter this time around. another disapointment..
I wish you well and stay safe.


The Mo said...

عنجد الله يعينكم و يفك محنتكم

وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُمْ بِشَيْءٍ مِنَ (الْخَوْفِ) وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِنَ الأَمْوَالِ وَالأَنْفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ

كل أزمة و الها حل, هي مسألة وقت ان شاء الله

Anonymous said...

It really is heart aching, I am speechless :( Allah ye7meekom.

Laila said...

La 7awl wala 8owata 2illa billah :(

Allah 2ikoon bi3oonko, 2o bi3oon al-shar8 al-awsat.

Diana said...

I want to thank you all and hope for things to get better as soon as possible.