Exactly a year ago today, we got married. I don't believe it's been a year! As if it was yesterday, despite the many events and changes that took place during this year.
Leaving Lebanon, celebrating our wedding in Jordan, moving to Turkey, then back to Lebanon, then moving to Dubai, and now back to Lebanon... getting pregnant.. and the most important thing my angel's birth...
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I became a wife, and a mother!
Ammar and Kareem, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm blessed to have you in my life.
Happy Anniversary my love, I love you :)
Leaving Lebanon, celebrating our wedding in Jordan, moving to Turkey, then back to Lebanon, then moving to Dubai, and now back to Lebanon... getting pregnant.. and the most important thing my angel's birth...
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I became a wife, and a mother!
Ammar and Kareem, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm blessed to have you in my life.
Happy Anniversary my love, I love you :)
Happy Anniversary For
you him , and him ;)
Enjoy your day :)
Keep smile too ;)
How nice to celebrate your first anniversary with a new addition to the family..
Allay yekhalikom la ba3d..
Happiness always inshallah :)
Happy anniversary Diana.
Wish you a healthy and prosperous life.
Happy Anniversary ya 7ilween. Masha2allah 3alaikom .. may god make all your days as happy, and protect you ..
3o2bal el 100 :)
what a year indeed.i can't believe its been a year as well .
happy anniversary ,happy new Kareem :p and happy everything :)
Happy Anniversary dear o Allah ye5alikom la ba3ad :)
Happy anniversary ... inshallah every year we read a more passionate post :-)
BTW, there is a weird coincidence of dates between you and me, every time you talk about a date, it happens to be related to something important and a turning point in my live, (not always a good thing) ... August 15, 2000, I left home
allah y5alekom laa ba3ad w tet-hanno w y5alelkom kareem :hug:
I love you too sweetie, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me :)
How sweeeeeeet :D
ykhalleekom la ba3d elaahi o deero balkom 3ala ba3deekom
Thanks everyone :)
Amjad: 3an jad weird, sho hal sodaf?
maybe cuz we were born on the same date? :D
Happy anniversary Diana :) Allah yikhlleeekom la ba3ad 3ala tool o yideem il ma7abbeh bainkom:)
I am late :$
I wish you the best always, you seem truly happy and that is what we all are after in life :)
*hug* and an extra *taf3ees hug* for you little bundle of joy
thanks halool 7abebti
right back at ya!
Happyyy anniversary!!
allah ye7mekom :D
Thanks Maher :)
Sorry i missed reading this beautiful post...
alf alf mabrouk, and wish you and your husband many many years to come full of happiness and bliss. time flies when you are having fun, and it seems like you are having a lot of fun! Mashallah!
Happy belated anniversary, and mabrouk for kareem, i'm sorry i've been away for long, but i'm so happy tp see that things are great with you, allah yhaneeki ya rab :)
Thanks ya 3aroosa, 3o2bal 3andkon :)
happy anniversary. 3o2bal el Golden one celebration :)
inshallah :D, thank you Gemini girl :)
Happy Anniversary:)
I really feel happy when i come here
u give me hope that marriage life is not that bad:)
yetamem 3liki enty o zojek o ebnek ya rab:)
Happy anniversary dudu. many happy returns of the day with ur little bundle of joy.
thank you Mayasi, I'm glad that my blog gives you this hope. Marriage life can be great if both wanted it to be so :)
Maious, missed u in the blogging world :D
thank you sweets :)
shu cute! Happy Anniversary :)
Its a lot for a year, mashAllah, Allah ykhaleekon la b3d wo y2aweekon.
I love this image you have used - I wanted to know if I could post it on my blog too. If this is your image, I don't mind additing courtesy. Look forward to your reply. Thanks
tooteh, thank you sweets :)
feel free to post it Komal-Nishka, actually it's not mine :)
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